Our Team Teaching Model is a Unique Multi-Faceted Approach to Learning
Full Time Speech Language Therapists in Every Classroom
The Least Restrictive Environment Appropriate for Our Students
Parents are Always Welcome
Our Special Programs
- ALERT How Does Your Engine Run?
- Attainment Company Curriculum
- Behavior Modification
- Biteslide
- Character Counts!
- Community Based Education High School Program
- Earobics
- Hour of Code
- Inspiration
- Integrated Structural Physical Therapy
- Kaufman Method for Childhood Apraxia
- Kidspiration
- Language of Math
- MeMoves
- News 2 You
Occupational Therapist/Speech Therapist Co-treatment
- Participation Plans for Communication
- Picture Exchange Program (PECS)
- PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets)
- Project Read
- Saxon Math
- Sensory Integration
- SymbolStix
- Talk Tools Oral Motor Program – Sarah Rosenfeld Johnson
- Unique Learning Systems