How are the classrooms organized at Rock Brook?
Do students receive individual attention?
What about Reading and Math?
How are Rock Brook’s classrooms staffed?
Are any special programs offered at Rock Brook?
Is family involvement encouraged?
Who should I call for more information?
How are the classrooms organized at Rock Brook?
Our seven classes are grouped by “school ready” skills, social/emotional levels, play and interactive skills, academic levels and age. Classrooms are set up to accommodate developmental learning styles with the ultimate aim of increasing school ready skills.
Do students receive individual attention?
Every effort is made to provide intensive individualized intervention and remediation, with the intent to have the students return to their public school district if possible.
What about Reading and Math?
Reading and Math skills are taught both individually and in small groups, depending upon the child’s level of functioning. A variety of established programs and materials are used. The approach to instruction is individualized to maximize the student’s strengths while remediating the less successful areas.
How are Rock Brook’s classrooms staffed?
Rock Brook’s experienced and dedicated staff creates a warm environment in which each child is encouraged to become a happy, productive and fulfilled person. Each classroom is staffed by a teaching team, consisting of a special education teacher, a speech pathologist and an assistant. A full academic program is provided, along with individual speech/language therapy. Speech and language remediation is incorporated into all phases of the curriculum. Occupational and movement therapy for the development of sensory-motor abilities is also part of the program. A high (3 to 1) teacher to pupil ratio enables us to provide individualized attention and programming for each child.
Are any special programs offered at Rock Brook?
Rock Brook offers an ever-changing array of special programs to keep our students motivated and interested. These include:
Social Skills Training groups led by speech/language pathologists
- Freindship Play Therapy Groups led by the social skills facilitator
- Weekly music classes
- Speech/Occupational Therapy collaboration
- Use of Project Read, Picture Exchange System (PECS) and Augmentation Technology
- Individualized Behavior Management Plans
- Pet Therapy
- Listening Program
- Sensory Integration Therapy
Is family involvement encouraged?
Daily contact, classroom visits, observations, and a support group are essential components of the parent program. Our school year includes visiting days for students’ siblings and grandparents, too. We always welcome family volunteers to help with special events such as our annual Plant Sale. In addition, our Parents’ Night Out, held frequently throughout the year, provides child care at the school for students and their siblings, so that parents can go out or spend some time relaxing at home.
Who should I call for more information?
We would be glad to arrange for a tour for you or to answer your questions. Just call The Rock Brook School at 908-431-9500, or email us at Rock Brook.