Rock Brook School is a private, non-profit school for Communication Impaired and Multiply Disabled children, from age 3 through age 21. Rock Brook School is approved by the New Jersey State Department of Education and received accreditation from The Middle States Commission on Elementary Schools (MSCES). We currently have approximately 50 students from 25 different school districts in central New Jersey. In most cases, the home school district will pay tuition, if placement is approved through the IEP process. Our program runs from 8:30 – 3:00 Monday thru Friday. The school year is from September through June, with an Extended Year Program available.
Rock Brook School has worked successfully with children who demonstrate some of the following characteristics:
- have communication delays
- are not achieving their full potential
- have learning challenges
- have a short attention span and difficulty focusing
- have problems with self-expression (spoken or written)
- have fine and gross motor difficulties
- have difficulty learning or using some skills
- are socially immature and have low self-esteem
- may display behavioral problems due to learning and communication issues
Some medical diagnoses of children who have been helped by our program have been:
Language Learning Disorder
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- Hearing Impairment
- Seizure Disorders
- Pervasive Developmental Delay
- And others
Rock Brook School offers a full range of programs and services.
For the Child
- A team teaching approach
- Full academic, individualized programs
- Speech and language remediation
- Occupational and Physical therapy
- Development of self-esteem and social skills
- Behavior management program
- Summer Extended School
- Art, music and physical education
For the Parent and Family
- Daily contact, classroom visits and observations
- Regular conferences with staff
- Discussion groups and seminars
- Parents’ Night Out
For the Community
- Outreach services: screening, evaluations and therapy
- Consultation services for families, nursery schools and school districts
- Professional services: in-service workshops, national conference sponsorship and newsletters
Helping Children Enjoy Life & Learning
Rock Brook School has always been a well kept secret, because unless you need our services there is no reason to know about us. If you have a child or student who is communication impaired or who has multiple disabilities we may be the answer you have been looking for.
We have been in existence for over three decades and have helped over 1,000 children master the academic and social skills necessary to feel good about themselves. Some of our students return to public schools while others continue in out of district educational settings.
We currently have students from over 25 school districts, and in most cases, your school district will pay for the tuition.